Zionist Organization of America
San Diego District
San Diego, California
E-Mail: SanDiego@zoa.org
Howard L. Dyckman, Ph.D.
President, San Diego District,
Zionist Organization of America

Zionist Organization of America -
Introduction and Update with Hollywood Star

Sunday, March 25, 2007
7:00-9:30 p.m.
Astor Judaica Library - Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center
4126 Executive Drive, La Jolla, 92037

Ed Ames, President of Los Angeles Chapter of ZOA and legendary Hollywood
actor/singer, will speak about one of the oldest and largest organizations
supporting Israel in America.  Join him and Harold Samuels, the Director of
Los Angeles/Western States ZOA Office, and local representatives for a
complimentary Kosher Wine and Cheese get-together.  For more information
call (858)481-0798 or (858)546-1361, or contact sandiego@zoa.org, www.sdzoa.org

 RENEW/JOIN ZOA for Jewish Year 5767
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