Zionist Organization of America
San Diego District
San Diego, California
E-Mail: SanDiego@zoa.org
Howard L. Dyckman, Ph.D.
President, San Diego District,
Zionist Organization of America


a lecture by


Bar Ilan University

President & Founder,
The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy,
Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Eidelberg, a scholar of American constitutional democracy, explains how Israel's government is lacking in checks and balances and is insufficiently Jewishly oriented, and proposes comprehensive reforms.

Sunday, MAY 6, 2007, 7:45pm
at Congregation Adat Yeshurun

8625 La Jolla Scenic Drive North
La Jolla, CA 92037

No RSVP required

Suggested Donation: $10.00

Co-sponsored by ZOA, RJC, Congregation Adat Yeshurun,
Chabad Center of University City, AFSI, Jewish Club Maoz

For a printable flyer with biographical details,
please click here to download.

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