Zionist Organization of America
San Diego District
P.O. Box 60359
San Diego, California 92166
Howard L. Dyckman, Ph.D.
President, San Diego District,
Zionist Organization of America


An Expose on Systematic Arab Land Theft in Israel

Ari Briggs

Speaker: Ari Briggs, Director of the International Department of Regavim

Wednesday, November 21, 2012, at 7 pm
at Lawrence Family JCC - Library (upstairs)
4126 Executive Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037
No charge

Arab missiles are a direct, physical assault on Israel's existence. Arab
land theft is an indirect and insidious assault on Israel's existence.
Without the world watching, Arab groups hostile to Israel's existence
systematically usurp Israel's most precious resource: land. Learn how they
do and what you can do to stop this threat.

Much ado is made in the press and international governments about alleged
illegal Jewish settlement in Judea & Samaria (the West Bank). But what these
same reporters and international leaders overlook--whether intentionally or
not--is systematic illegal Arab settlement throughout Israel. Through
illegal construction and farming often funded by international anti-Zionist
organizations, Arabs steal or claim Israeli state land all throughout
Israel, often as a means to undermine the Jewish state. Unfortunately, for a
variety of reasons, Israeli leadership and law enforcement authorities often
fail to crack down on this theft.

The lecture will also include a brief report on the current situation in the
south of Israel.


Born in Sydney Australia, Ari Briggs immigrated to Israel with his wife
Shuli in 1993. With a background in hi-tech marketing and Israel advocacy,
Ari Briggs now serves as director of the International Department of
Regavim, an organization whose raison d'etre is to ensure responsible, legal
and accountable use of Israel's national lands and the return of the rule of
law to all areas and aspects of the land and its preservation. In
preparation for its rigorous legal battles, Regavim conducts extensive
research. However Regavim must take the battle beyond the courts, to
government agencies, foreign governments and ultimately, the court of world
opinion. Regavim's role is to make our multiple audiences aware of the
existential threat to the State of Israel from this silent surrender and
build a strong consensus to ensure all government bodies act responsibly in
accordance with Israeli law.

For more info about Regavim:  http://www.regavim.org.il/      (in Hebrew)
                              http://www.regavim.org.il/en/   (in English)

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